
CONNECTION is an online parts catalogue and stand-alone ordering system for automotive parts sales. With CONNECTION you can check inventory and place an online order directly from your ACDelco parts supplier.

Find parts faster by utilizing the power of Part Search. When a vehicle is defined use Part Search by simply entering the description of the part you are looking for. Enter partial names or even synonyms and find your parts.

Example of a shorthand lookup “o2” will find Oxygen sensor parts.

Or just type a partial part type like “filter” or “chain” and see all the part types with these key words. 

Add the highlighted part to the “My Selected Parts” bar, by simply hitting the Enter key. You can also navigate a list of parts using the Arrow keys or with you mouse. 

Log into CONNECTION today to get started on your ordering!

To get access to CONNECTION, contact your ACDelco Distributor to obtain your login and password.